My View of China


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My View of China
Gateway to China
Chinese Paintings
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One thing I have noticed after I came to America is that most people here do not have a very good understanding of China, its people, its history and its culture.  Due to these lack of understandings, much misunderstandings and mistrust have emerged from within people.  This unfortunate truth is most apparent in people's criticism in anything associated with China.  For example, what does an ordinary person think when he or she was asked:" what do you think about China?", albeit that the first thing that comes to his or her mind is "reds", which means communists, expansionists, oppressors.  In hoping that this and similar misinterpretations would disappear in time, I hope that I would be able to clear up some of them here by providing simple references to Chinese history, Chinese literatures, and Chinese religions.  I hope by referring to these sources, one would get a more clear picture of China.

To read a brief summary of Chinese History, you can go here.  From reading about China's history, one can see that China has never focused on expansion, its policy in its five thousand years of history has been very clearly as isolationism.  Its purpose was and is simply to protect itself from fragmenting, and to protect its people.  In fact, the Great wall of China was built to keep the invaders out, not to invade others.  Chinese people have always been peace seeking with no territorial interests.  This isolationism is a complete contradiction to Western history.  For example, when the peace loving Chinese invented gunpowder for fireworks, it was the westerners who turned it into a deadly weapon.  From the Roman Empire to the holy crusades to imperialism to World War II, the western history is filled with prejudice and hatred.  

So I urge people to learn more about China before you make any judgments.  


If you have any suggestions about this website or just want to talk to me about anything in general, please e-mail me by clicking on this message, thank you.

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This page was last updated on 03/24/00